Day’s whole transparency
a relief the fine turning
moon’s tug through the morning
Underleaf sparkless black
ants the rock breaks poor
Sisyphus gallant Janus
A leaf pile my mind’s
eye afraid the real’s up
for grabs hype
Out of possible should
merge the tortoiseshell
spots forest leaf-shrivel
Life’s almost passable
magna a strange body
laying the shadow of
Stars disperse homo-
geneous “lumpy” dark
trigger-happy artisans
There, immediate you have
the genie’s kind of crazy
it’s dead say convince
Any love roundabout
in our world mountain
mist fog this is not
Flyspeck a breath’s
reclamation a funny
unprincipled finesse
Soul does develop the
perfect bias downright
weird it’s demagnetized
Ne-er-do-well Chronos
Lord of Death an epic
hoodwink the soul is
Soul’s pizzazz the mind’s
eye-dancing malingerer
backstage sights the acts
Wormholes stars the gilt
rubs off under
our veil the split world
Behind the veil life
works dirt, dust, gravel a
white-striped longtail
No more! the eyes
dying down bird horde an offer
buried a horizon
Imagination truth
the afterward no longer
passably human
Bag of spells this dream
towards which a magician
fiddles rapport of wits
Scraps of rock troubled
where I’m from ditch dug
to live the beyond
To rush out perishable
body the seer himself
freedom conjures the now
Let-down’s tremulous
hyperbole shattered rest
love masks a jealousy
So much laying the
shadow of passably
human waking up
One of the hearts where
I come from webbed
feet darkness untrodden
“Peopling” the dream
towards which the line
disfigured the abyss
The dream on each one
of us stop operation
field the source thought
Mystery signs heaven-
ward slippage burnt
essences the whites