sideways a gift for language the joined up tunes il splash and whine
ordained it the frisked mood piece of cotton in the ear every day different
a felon passes I believe dog-eared as three of your pals the boy in tune with
the sandcastle out of three twigs on a harp who hear the bow bend
early music
you think I am joyous up at dawn down by il splash not true I hover and in
with the robins as they take up their chores and on the brink of financial
ruin this is not a sophisticated place can crown you with ruin take your hand
off the plate
(in the wrinkled pod
tried your bat on the faucet saw a hood
like what he writes away from the gold batter)
ruin is pleasanter up here whisks crossing the dune blown shell and
peppermint leas even if no rim around me scoop up the line and distribute
it regularly not haunted think of milk toast three winks not lonely early
caused the chair to move to the brink the azalea in winter wonder who
refused to cosset it if ruin can put us out of sight then forgot or the chair
moved wish it were closer
of sentimental values none no more than a spasm the arm goes over and
down and over in il splash drank a tumbler then greenleaf and swimming
dog muscular gladioli goodly frère unio mystica we perceive a grass ship
on the sea surface a forget-me-knot the ratio consoling a strange look at the
vein and flung in a cloud the lantern a different embrace in pursuit of il
marveled at how little comes from much in a nook combing hair classical
drift of the bay naked off Palinurus Cape O queen of Cnidos literature
“wax-white arms of Lydia” waterfront pebbled with bones
and she confronts us “the woman who weeps” the scenery dislikes wet arms
bathing suit pulled down at the corner a raft on the sea she is a raft an egg
shell breaks god’s whip early music
wave passes over from sight wave is obscured water replaces cloud the
surface reverses its look bottom of the sea comes up like a kite in the rear
on our back rain will emerge from that dying cloud whither arrow of blue
no concern for corridor upstairs icy trees blow smoke what island was it
cold from where we sat fingers never still water idly lay a green cloth they
jump into bed wake to the crow can guess the dark coat
about the sandcastle our position on innovation the duster the trap is it
mediocre the schoolmaster suggests wool in the brace a tight fit the bodice-
fitter complains
(or seascope of anchored tin put out the table the chipped metallurgical
appears to be a vine no goddess to shake a leg)
can you swallow this they erase “long echo of sand” also “pool noise”
interrupt “drawn out whine” betray the disk the substance improves and the
gnat she waits in her bathing dress touch and go
haunted by the speckled cow the little girl with a ribboned bonnet brings in
the cow put more early in music says the speckled cow
what was it about crackers asked the wench potato mash is cheap pauper tint
to the sky so mermaids sweep out the crones they flit good evening good
evening no treasure
which tree to cut the downward slope of a savannah its bell our land goes
further light drains horizon’s overcast early music
oh promise we shall meet on Ojjiba and swim
underwater my harp is caught in a silver fire of water the planet Ojjiba
looked at that way