Fall 2014

Fragments from Lost Zoroastrian Books

Eliot Weinberger

There where the sun rises

The edge of a razor

Of knowledge, not love

The several kinds of wheat

All good thoughts I think willingly; all good words I say willingly;
all good deeds I do willingly. All evil thoughts I think unwillingly;
all evil words I say unwillingly; all evil deeds I do unwillingly.

The skin on the head
The head of a man
One bone of the skull
All the blows that […] the skull are counted

One whose words are accepted

As much as the earth

Fifteen sheep, their hind feet

Libations offered by a liar

All the agreements in the world

The smallest of those stars is as large as the head of a man of middle size

He makes himself guilty of the sin of breaking a man’s leg

thwam khratus
[Meaning unknown.]

A place that gives pleasure, though not absolute pleasure

The column of life made marrowless

From there they come to kill and strike at heart, and they bring locusts, as many as they want

The ox rose up, the land bore

Soon he changed this to death by the fault of his tongue

Of the same thickness

For the first time he comes near to her, for the first time he lies beside her

What is between the kidneys and the spleen?

The shortest hathra is of three words
[Hathra: a measurement of both space and time.]

The dead shall rise up, life shall come back to the bodies, and they shall keep the breath

The man who […] does not […] anything, be it ever so little

badha idha afrasani danhubyo
[Meaning unknown.]

It becomes more violent than that

Give lawful, well-examined wood

Another man, of a steady leg, […] glory

stavano va puiti paidhi davaisne va
[Meaning unknown.]

Even uncovered and naked he will chant

How many sorts of plants are there?

If their fathers at once

In such a way that death should not be produced by burning

As much as a fly’s wing, or of a wingless

He calls him

Let no man alone by himself carry a corpse

By two fingers, O holy Zarathustra!

Of the dog-kind

Than the nose is to the ears, or than the ears are to the mouth

For all of them shall a path be opened across the Kinvad Bridge

As large as the top joint of the little finger

He has made the good waters and the good plants

And Paradise, boundless light, undeserved felicity

Eliot Weinberger’s books of essays include Karmic Traces, An Elemental Thing, and Oranges & Peanuts for Sale (all New Directions). Angels & Saints is forthcoming from New Directions/Christine Burgin.

(view contributions by Eliot Weinberger)