Fall 1998
Christmas Vacation
Bradford Morrow and Truman Capote
A reproduction of the first page of Truman Capote’s Christmas Vacation. The 27-page original holograph manuscript is reproduced in full, with a transcription, in Conjunctions:31.

A reproduction of the first page of Truman Capote’s Christmas Vacation. The 27-page original holograph manuscript is reproduced in full, with a transcription, in Conjunctions:31.
Bradford Morrow is the founding editor of Conjunctions. He is the author of ten books of fiction, including Trinity Fields, Giovanni’s Gift (both Viking), The Forgers (Grove Atlantic/Mysterious Press), and The Prague Sonata (Atlantic Monthly Press). He is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship in fiction, an Academy Award in literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the PEN/Nora Magid Award for excellence in editing a literary journal. A Bard Center Fellow and professor of literature at Bard College, he lives in New York City. Learn more about Bradford Morrow at www.bradfordmorrow.com.
(view contributions by Bradford Morrow)Truman Capote (1924–1984) established himself as one of America’s foremost writers with the publication of Other Voices, Other Rooms. Among his other works are A Tree of Night, The Grass Harp, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, A Christmas Memory and perhaps his most famous book, In Cold Blood. Capote’s unfinished novel, Answered Prayers, was published posthumously in 1987.
(view contributions by Truman Capote)Managing Editor
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