Conjunctions: 29 / Tributes

Fall 1997


Editors’ Note
Lee Smith, Martine Bellen and Bradford Morrow

Sterling Brown: A Southern Man
Ntozake Shange

Chicago Guy: Nelson Algren
John Sayles

My Willa
Maureen Howard

The Emerson Madrigal
Bradford Morrow

For M. Moore
Cole Swensen

Old Poets, Old Poems: Edwin Arlington Robinson
Robert Creeley

Melville and the Art of Saying No
Jim Lewis

Black Reconstruction: Du Bois & the U.S. Struggle for Democracy & Socialism
Amiri Baraka

Panels for Nathanael
Eli Gottlieb

How to Tell a Lie, by Edgar Allan Poe
Joanna Scott

45 Calibrations of Raymond Chandler
Peter Straub

Ezra Pound: A Seereeyus Precursor
Paul Metcalf

On Lillian Hellman
Ellen McLaughlin

Language, Voice, Beat, Energy in the Poetry: Jack Kerouac
Anne Waldman

Edith Wharton: A Mole in the House of the Modern
Lynne Tillman

The Sound of the Fury: Faulkner\'s Aerial Surf
Paul West

Frank O\'Hara: Nothing Personal
Elaine Equi

Langston Hughes: "If You Can't Read, Run Anyhow!"
Kevin Young

Chemical Seuss
Ben Marcus

A Novel of Thank You (for Gertrude Stein)
Carole Maso

Divining Stein
Lisa Shea

Henry James
Mona Simpson

Bob Kaufman: The Footnotes Exploded
Will Alexander

John Cheever and Indirection
Rick Moody

Phrenological Whitman
Nathaniel Mackey

Elizabeth Bishop\'s Prose: Atmospheres of Identity
Sven Birkerts

Gatsby\'s Glasses
Siri Hustvedt

The Visible Man: Ralph Ellison
Quincy Troupe

Shirley Jackson: \"My Mother\'s Grave Is Yellow\"
Dale Peck

Frank Stanford, Of the Mulberry Family: An Arkansas Epilogue
C. D. Wright

The Strange Case of Dr. Eiseley
Phillip Lopate

Henry Miller: Exhibitionist of the Soul
Steve Erickson

Mac Wellman

Frederick Prokosch
Lawrence Osborne

To Dickinson
Diane Williams

Robert Duncan & The Right Time
Robert Kelly

Encounters with an Americano Poet: William Carlos Williams
Victor Hernández Cruz

Sylvia\'s Honey
Catherine Bowman

Broaching Difficult Dahlberg
Lydia Davis

For Lorine Niedecker
Norma Cole

Now Let Us Praise James Agee
David Means

Kenneth Patchen: "Hiya, Ken Babe, What's the Bad Word for Today?"
Jonathan Williams

The Visionary Art of Henry David Thoreau
Joyce Carol Oates

Joyful Noise: The Gospel Sound of Henry D. Thoreau
Donald Revell


Conjunctions: 29, Tributes

Edited by Martine Bellen, Lee Smith, & Bradford Morrow


A number of contemporary authors were invited to pay homage to an American writer, one who made something possible for them, whether that was the act of writing itself, or writing a certain book, or in a particular manner, or living in a way that was consonant with the work of writing. This is an anthology of personal enthusiasms—enthusiasm as Emerson defined it: exuberant and magnanimous—a colloquium Whitman might have seen as a progress of vistas.