Conjunctions: 37 / Twentieth Anniversary Issue

Fall 2001


William H. Gass

Memory Alpha
Christopher Sorrentino

Richard Powers

Two Poems
Ann Lauterbach

Shelley Jackson

Robert Creeley

Last Resort Retreat
Mary Caponegro

Four Poems
Forrest Gander

Sleeping with Schéhérazade
Rikki Ducornet

Mei-mei Berssenbrugge

Two Poems
Brenda Hillman

All the Lights of Midnight: Salbatore Nufro Orejón, \"The Physics of Eror\" and Livia Bassil\'s Psychology of Physics
Mark Z. Danielewski

The Murder of Rabbi David Berliner Herschell
Nomi Eve

Foam (Essay with Rhapsody) On the Sublime in Longinus and Antonioni
Anne Carson

Good Old Neon
David Foster Wallace

Seven Minds
Martine Bellen

Three Poems
Elaine Equi

View of Kala Murie Stepping Out of Her Black Dress
Howard Norman

Four Poems
Jorie Graham

Cloud Chamber
Reginald Shepherd

Walter Abish

Three Poems
Ange Mlinko

The Shunra and the Schmetterling
Translated by Peter Cole and Yoel Hoffman

Carole Maso

From Mrs. Trollope’s Life of Francis Wright
Edmund White

Dirt Roads
Robert Kelly

Our Delius
Paul West

Lyn Hejinian

The Fossil-Seeker
Joyce Carol Oates

Amazing Grace
Bradford Morrow

The Supremes
Rick Moody

An Experiment in Public Character
Brenda Coultas

The Usefulness of Ugliness
Joanna Scott

Clocking the World on Cue: The Chronogram for 2001
Harry Mathews

Brian Evenson

From One Big Self: Prisoners of Louisiana
C. D. Wright

The Best Substitute for War
Paul Auster

A Detective and a Turtle
John Barth

Camp Cedar Crest
Alexander Theroux

Two Poems
John Yau

Dear Born Just North of Poke
Diane Williams

From Vague Swimmers
Heather Ramsdell

Two Poems
Amy Catanzano

Five Poems
John Ashbery

Mendoza: 1949
Toby Olson

Thalia Field

Susan Steinberg

Life and Letters
Gilbert Sorrentino

From Penury
Myung Mi Kim

The Apocalypse Museum
William H. Gass

John Edgar Wideman


Conjunctions: 37, Twentieth Anniversary Issue

Edited by Bradford Morrow

Three years seemed a remote possibility, five at the outside. The idea was to map an arc of innovative literature during those first dark years of the eighties. But then, as if by benign fission, the project only grew, the result of its contributors’ combined energies. Now Conjunctions celebrates its twentieth year of publication. Through over ten thousand pages of work, ours has been the site of many visions—some coincident, some wildly dissimilar, but always funded by a serious devotion to idea and form in language. As a poet once put it: Onword.