Conjunctions: 52 / Betwixt the Between

Spring 2009


Brain Jelly
Stephen Wright

Hungerford Bridge
Elizabeth Hand

Secret Breathing Techniques
Ben Marcus

The Personasts: My Journeys Through Soft Evenings and Famous Secrets
Stephen Marche

J. W. McCormack

Joyce Carol Oates

From The City & the City
China Miéville

Jon Enfield

Julia Elliott

Ourselves, Multiplied
Jedediah Berry

The Stolen Church
Jonathan Carroll

A Design History of Icebergs and Their Applications
Scott Geiger

Dowsing for Shadows
Karen Russell

La Tête
Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud and Translated by Edward Gauvin

Bigfoot and the Bodhisattva
James Morrow

The Spirit of a Lark
Theodore Enslin

The Golden Rule; or, I Am Trying to Do the Right Thing
Edie Meidav

Disappearance and
Stephen O’Connor

Jeff VanderMeer

Flat Daddy
Shelley Jackson

The Next Country
Michael J. Lee

Dr. Eric
Rob Walsh

The Familiars
Micaela Morrissette

A Man of Vision
Patrick Crerand

The Logic of the World
Robert Kelly


Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between

Edited by Bradford Morrow & Brian Evenson

Cover art: Blobareeblob, by Kenny Scharf, 2006. Reproduced by kind permission of the artist and Paul Kasmin Gallery.

Postfantasy fictions that begin with the premise that the unfamiliar or liminal constitutes a solid ground on which to walk.