Conjunctions: 63 / Speaking Volumes

Fall 2014


From Eclipse: A Romance
Samuel R. Delany

Brief, Image, and Etymology: On Reading
Ryan Flaherty

On Bibliomancy, Anthropodermic Bibliopegy, and The Eating Papers; or, Proust’s Porridge
Melissa Pritchard

Please Translate
Edwidge Danticat

Packing My Library
George Prochnik

Four Poems
Elizabeth Robinson

Some Episodes in the History of My Reading
Frederic Tuten

Julia Elliott

Five Poems
Paul Hoover

Three Found Books
Aimee Bender

The Book: Prelude, Andante Dolente, and Fantasia
Robert Kelly

On Walking On
Cole Swensen

From Brightfellow
Rikki Ducornet

Three Little Novels
Emily Anderson

Lone Coast Rescension
Nathaniel Mackey

Letters Inscribed in Snow
Laynie Browne

Two Essays
Adam Weinstein

Chris Tysh

On Translation’s Inadequacies
Minna Proctor

Fragments from Lost Zoroastrian Books
Eliot Weinberger

From the Dung Beetle’s Perspective
Edie Meidav

Memo to My Muse
Paul West

The \"Lost\" Chapter of John Jourdain
Ranbir Singh Sidhu

Three Poems
Maxine Chernoff

Anne Waldman

From The Book of a Thousand Deaths
Brandon Hobson

The Watteau Poem
Donald Revell

World Book
Carole Maso

Mystery Poem
Elaine Equi

From The Book of Spells
Andrew Mossin

The Childhood of the Reader
Joyce Carol Oates

From The Lacunae
Daniel Nadler

Rebecca Lilly

Pages from Days and Works
Rachel Blau DuPlessis

The Particulars
Brian Evenson

The Knowledge Gallery
Joanna Scott


Brief, Image, and Etymology: On Reading
Ryan Flaherty

Packing My Library
George Prochnik


Conjunctions: 63, Speaking Volumes

Edited by Bradford Morrow

Cover art: Kerry Miller, Brehm Djurens Liv (Animal Life) vol 14, 2013, mixed media, 16″ x 11.5″ x 2.5″. Credit: private collection, USA. Artist represented in USA by Lawrence Cantor Fine Art, Los Angeles. Copyright © Kerry Miller 2014; all rights reserved by the artist.


Books are, to those of us who live and breathe them, all but sentient fellow beings. When a book is closed, it is asleep. Perhaps dreaming, inspired by its reposing words and images. But when a book is opened, it awakens, vaults to life, and interacts with the reader, collapsing time and bridging space. Even the most modest book is by far the finest transportation device ever invented and can carry its reader to every corner of the cosmos. Once closed again, however, it never fully returns to sleep but remains in the reader’s imagination.

If, as Cormac McCarthy proposed, books come from books, then the volume in your hands comes from writers who have considered the myriad ways in which that process occurs. It is a gathering of essays, poems, stories, and unclassifiable works that examine what books mean to those of us who deeply depend on them. Every book ever written, from classics and epics to personal diaries to, yes, literary journals, is something of a secular tabernacle that houses not only the history of thought but of life itself—and death. And, as readers of Speaking Volumes will quickly discover, each writer’s voice here explores the book in unexpectedly different ways. Factual memoirs are nestled beside faux histories. Translations of invented lyrics find themselves alongside narratives that investigate the origins of how writing is read and how writers come to write.

If indeed reading is a kind of writing—in that collaborative readers recreate the signifiers and images on the silent printed page as vivid, even vocal, personal imagery and meaning—Speaking Volumes might be seen as a notebook that invites meditation on just how that happens. On how daily engagement with the book enlightens daily lives.