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A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden
Pan, Pan, Pan
Tears Streak the Reddest Rouge
duan zui jin si yan
Vagrant Voices: Some Atlantic Crossings
After Completion
Three Poems
Three Essays from the Warbler Road
From The Tinajera Notebook
Owl Puke
Catalog and Brief Comments on the Archive Written and Compiled by the Ministry of Sorrow to Birds
Sandhills in Chukotka
Five Poems
Ascending Flight, Los Angeles
Crow & Robin
Time Bends
Bird Cantos
Like Something Christenberry Pictured
The Imaginary Dead Baby Seagull
A Song Unbroken
Four Birds
The Secret Conversing of Birds
Two Intimacy Poems
John Ashbery Tribute
Photography by Richard Avedon
John Ashbery, poet, New York, September 27, 1983
Editors’ Note
Three Early Works
The Art of Curling (A Nest of Ninnies, with James Schuyler, 1969)
The Double Dream of Spring Would Like to Make a Few Statements (The Double Dream of Spring, 1970)
Four Contexts for Three Poems (Three Poems, 1972)
A Birthday Notebook for JA (The Vermont Notebook, 1975)
I Was Reading and Rereading Ashbery's Self-Portrait for Many Years (Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror, 1975)
A Long Period of Adjustment Followed (Houseboat Days, 1977)
Shadowboxing (Shadow Train, 1981)
A Place from Which to Wave: "Just Someone You Say Hi To" (A Wave, 1984)
Energy (April Galleons, 1987)
The Refleciton of a Reading (Flow Chart, 1991)
This Very Poem Refutes It (And the Stars Were Shining, 1994)
I Believe I Am the Man from Nowhere (Can You Hear, Bird, 1995)
Like the Blistered Exterior of a Sigh (Wakefulness, 1998)
Tragi-Kitsch & Elegiac-Comix (Girls on the Run, 1999)
Besides Being Beside Ourselves (Your Name Here, 2000)
Changeable Hieroglyphics (Other Traditions, 2000, and Selected Prose, 2004)
I'm Not Sure I Meant What You Said (Chinese Whispers, 2002)
Four Questions (Where Shall I Wander, 2005)
Would That a Worldly Country We Were (A Worldly Country, 2007)